Willem Lormier
Willem Lormier was born in The Hague. Just as his father he was a solliciteur militair, which was similar as a banker. His famous art collection was auctioned on 4 July 1763 in The Hague. He is mentioned in the provenance of the painting Le Chirurgien by Isaac Koedijck (Schloss German no. L25/ French no. 132). Willem sold the painting on 10 November 1756 to Prince Dmitri Alekseyevich Galitzin (1728-1803), a Russian diplomat and art agent. Adolphe Schloss acquired the painting after 1906. It was displayed at the “Exposition de Tableaux et de Dessins de Rembrandt et d’Autres Maîtres de Leyde du Dix-Septième Siècle,” held at the Stedelijk Museum in Leiden. In 2019 the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston acquired the painting.
Literature: Korthals Altes, Everhard. “The eighteenth-century gentleman dealer Willem Lormier and the international dispersal of seventeenth-century Dutch paintings”. Simiolus: Netherlands Quarterly for the History of Art, vol. 28, nr. 4, 2000, pp. 251-311.