Transfer of crates containing the confiscated Schloss collection to CGQJ. headquarters

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Acting on a request by Joseph Antignac, Claude Vatelot, a Judicial Police officer in Paris transfers the crates holding the Schloss collection from the Banque Dreyfus to the vault of the CGQJ’s HQ on rue des Petits-Pères.  Jean Lefranc, René Huyghe, conservateur en chef du Louvre, Cornelius Postma, Germain Bazin, conservateur du Louvre, two bailiffs, and a dozen or so inspectors from the CGQJ’s “Section d’enquête et de Contrôle” witnessed the breaking of the seals. Vatelot confirmed that there were 23 crates and that “most of the seals … were in heavily damaged or non-existent as a result of constant handling during their transport and that the content of some crates did not correspond to the evidence compiled by Lefranc.” [procès-verbal de M. Vatelot, 13 août 1943, direction générale de la police nationale, Ministère de l’Intérieur.]