Return of the Schloss paintings demanded by Schloss family attorney

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The “Direction des Musées Nationaux” notified Max Gonfreville, the lawyer representing the Schloss heirs, that prints would be made of the Schloss paintings as well as of the paintings belonging to Madame Emile Weil. The Schloss heirs agreed to cover the costs of paper and printing. The Schloss heirs studied the offer of the Louvre Museum to acquire thirty-two paintings. They turned down the offer but assured the Museum officials that they would do their utmost to safeguard the interests of State collections. Gonfreville demanded the immediate return of all the paintings that belong to the Schloss heirs as well as those which belong to Mrs. Emile Weil that are being held in the custody of the Musées Nationaux, especially a drawing by Toulouse-Lautrec.