Rose Valland briefing on Schloss collection (Q8420)

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Rose Valland briefed her hierarchy on the information that she had collected mostly from German sources regarding the fate of the Schloss Collection: The paintings that were slated for the Germans were handed over at the Banque Dreyfus by Darquier de
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Rose Valland briefing on Schloss collection
Rose Valland briefed her hierarchy on the information that she had collected mostly from German sources regarding the fate of the Schloss Collection: The paintings that were slated for the Germans were handed over at the Banque Dreyfus by Darquier de


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    Rose Valland briefing on Schloss collection
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    25 November 1944
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    25 November 1944
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    Rose Valland briefed her hierarchy on the information that she had collected mostly from German sources regarding the fate of the Schloss Collection: The paintings that were slated for the Germans were handed over at the Banque Dreyfus by Darquier de Pellepoix, assisted by Lefranc. The German delegation consisted of Dr Lohse, Dr Borchers, Dr. Erhard Göpel, who took delivery of the collection for t
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