Hummel Helmutvon

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Helmut von Hummel became Martin Bormann’s private secretary in October 1942 with the title of “Ministerialrat und Persönlicher Referent des Reichsleiters Bormann.” He acted as Bormann’s personal representative and served as one of three experts responsible for handling confiscated art pursuant to Bormann’s order dated 21 April 1943. Hummel played a key role within the Sonderauftrag Linz. He ensured that the art treasures acquired by Hans Posse were properly handled after the latter’s untimely death. Von Hummel maintained an office both at the Führerbau in Munich and one in Berchtesgaden. In June 1943, President Laval proposed that paintings from Germany be handed over to France in exchange for his agreement to authorize the sale of all or part of the Schloss Collection to the Sonderauftrag Linz. His request was forwarded to von Hummel and, hence, to Bormann. The request was never honored as the negotiations over the fate of the confiscated Schloss Collection shifted in Germany’s favor during the summer of 1943. In October 1943, Hummel facilitated the financial procedures needed for the Sonderauftrag Linz to purchase a large part of the Schloss Collection with a 50 million franc credit extended by the Reichskreditkasse to the German embassy. The transaction was completed in early November 1943. After the war, Helmut von Hummel worked for the Deutsche AVIA Mineralöl-GmbH/AG. In 1984, he was named the company’s honorary president. Hummel died at the age of 102.

Literature: James Plaut, Hitler’s Capital, the Atlantic, October 1946 [1] Todesanzeige: Birgit Schwarz, Auf Befehl des Führers. Hitler und der NS-Kunstraub, Theiss 2014. M1782-OSS Art Looting Investigation Unit Reports, 1945-46, Consolidated Interrogation Reports (CIR), Report: Linz: Hitler’s Museum And Library [online at:]