Alexandre Joseph Paillet

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Alexandre Joseph Paillet was a Paris based auctioneer, merchant-expert and art dealer. In 1771 he joined the Académie de Saint-Luc. Paillet made his first art purchase in 1768 and from 1775 onwards, he conducted his business in the Hôtel d’Aligrre, rue Saint-Honoré. He bought artworks for Louis XVI and led about 145 auctions between 1774 and 1793. Alexandre Paillet’s name is mentioned in the provenance of a painting by Govert Camphuysen, entitled _Étable avec personnages et animaux (_German Schloss Nr. L9, French Schloss Nr. 49), which was part of Adolphe Schloss’ collection. For more information, please see: Accessed 4 June 2021.