Conversation between Michel Martin and René Huyghe regarding the removal of the Schloss collection from Limoges
The following transpired during a phone call to Mr. Huyghe on August 08 at 09:00 AM: Mr. Martin was back in Paris and would leave for Limoges after having seen the Director (J. Jaujard). Once in Limoges, he will call Mr. Huyghe to dissuade him from returning to Paris. Based on the most recent information, the Board changed its stance and would request from the Minister [Bonnard?] that the National Museums should be designated as the “sequestering custodian” for the entire Schloss collection in order to be able to assert their usual rights as has been done in the past in similar instances. Huyghe agreed to come to Limoges and proposed that Martin replace him in Montal [Huyghe’s country residence] during his absence.