SHAEF French-language list of looted Schloss paintings, RG 260 MFA&A Prop. Div., HQ OMGUS Berlin, 1956/3
The “basic” SHAEF French-language list of looted Schloss paintings is dated 15 February 1945 and is found in claim file F-189 [OMGUS claim #]. It includes artist, title, and measurements. It was provided/generated by DGER on 26 January 1945. The list is incomplete-291 items. If you add the 12 Grimmer paintings, we get to 303. It could be that some of the pendants are counted as one when in fact there are two [RG 260 MFA&A Prop. Div., HQ OMGUS Berlin, 1956/3 Master copy, France claims F 1-F201 Box 3, NARA.]