Recapitulation of the theft and recycling of 15 paintings, including 6 Schloss paintings, stolen by Andreas Full from the Führerbau (document)
Andreas Full, Georgenstr. 68, Munich, stole at least 15 paintings from the Führerbau “in May 1945.” He sold 9 of them. 7 were sold to Ludwig Lautenbacher, Blumenstr. 21, Munich. Lautenbacher sold them to Paul Winkler, Knöbelstr. 12, Munich. Winkler sold Schloss 175 to Landrat Glötzl; Schloss 173 to Dr. Fleischmann; Schloss 226 to Baroness Bortnowski; Schloss 111 to a former Army officer, Schloss 141 remained with Winkler as well as Schloss 55.